Fidel Bofill was a multifaceted artist: painter, draftsman, illustrator, ceramist and writer. Activist and cultural promoter, his restless temperament placed him in the spirit of Renaissance artists. He was born in 1934 in Vic, where he died in 2013 due to ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). He never stopped fighting. His life passed between Catalonia and Greece. He exhibited his work all over the world, becoming one of the most internationally recognized Catalan painters. He received numerous painting and poetry awards both nationally and internationally. His painting and life philosophy was: "I have never followed the mandate of art fair fashion. I refuse submission to official art and I have never been subsidized. I am a forest bird. I paint, simply, everything I like and I look for the positive side of it. My painting is nothing but myself, nothing else. I don't paint things as they are but as I would like them to be. I open the door of my work to the joy of living. I paint life in terms of beauty. I proclaim like Níkos Kazantzákis: I expect nothing, I fear nothing, I am free."
Fidel Bofill was born on August 03, 1934 in Vic where he died there on May 21, 2013 - Catalonia - Spain
He exhibits on five continents and his works are present in more than a hundred museums.
Many books and publications are devoted to it. His art was born from an exacerbated chromatic synthesis which he overcomes with masses and spots of colors.
He joined the artists referenced Maecene Arts at the request of his daughter Sabina in 2013.