Alain Gegout


Alain Gegout was born on December 09, 1951, he lives and works near Geneva.


He is an atypical artist, an animator of an effervescence full of humor, relevant language games, timely puns of an insolent cheerfulness. A formal "hijacker" who artfully practices self-mockery.

It is present in many private and public collections in France, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, United States ...

He joined the artists referenced Maecene Arts in 2014.

His series of "Flo" is particularly remarkable.

Flo is a generic variation, the extra temporal, metaphorical muse, of a "human tragedy".

The human form dematerializes to the point of disfiguring, dislocating the body in its presumed ideal of perfection, of proportion.

 The disfigured body gives way to sensations, emotion, the texture of being, its secret codes.